Ryan Helinski


New Mexico, USA, North America
keer bekeken: 437,585
About Ryan

I am a graduate student at the University of New Mexico. Panoramas have become quite a hobby for me. Please contact me if you're in the Albuquerque area you'd like a panorama made for promotional purposes, indoor or outdoors. rlhelinski AT gmail DOT com

My current spherical panorama process includes exposure bracketing for high dynamic range (HDR), and yields a 14000x7000 (98MP) equirectangular image.

My tool chain consists exclusively of free and open source software. I use 64-bit Fedora Linux, UFRaw, Hugin, Panotools, the GIMP, etcetera. If you have any questions, direct them to the Google discussion group, http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/