NGO Futurus XXI

Ukraine, Europe
Views: 652
About NGO

A group of citizens have established a public organization "European fund of recreational, natural, environmental and humanitarian activities "Futurus XXI"" even name reveals part of the aims and objectives of our fund. 

We aim to integrate the best achievements of European experience to the Ukrainian public organizations. Without activation of real non-state power exit from a permanent socio-political deadlock is impossible. The existing political forces are solving only their own selfish interests and unlikely in the near future they will turn to the urgent needs of their citizens. We do not claim to universality of their recipes. But we are convinced that the real, even small, useful to society actions will help step by step to improve the country.

If the people themselves, on their own initiative and will, to the extent of its forces, will alter and improve the world around us for the common good, it is exactly building blocks of such good deeds possible give us a possibility to build a truly public society, a society of healthy and free people.