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Mike Trandafirescu
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Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course in St Augustine, Florida
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Clubhouse and restaurant
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course, the clubhouse and some private homes around the lake
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course early morning
Mike Trandafirescu
Golf Course Palencia
Mike Trandafirescu
Golf Course Palencia, St Augustine, FL
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course
Mike Trandafirescu
With my friend Mike Scheurer on Wainwright Dr with plenty of snow around
Mike Trandafirescu
Meeting my friends walking the dogs
Mike Trandafirescu
With my friend Ken Nichols at the entrance in the development
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean ct Reston the day after the big snowfall
Mike Trandafirescu
Vantage Hill Rd, Reston,VA a day after the big snow fall
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean ct a day after the big snowfall
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean Villa, Reston, VA, USA after the big snow, in front of my house
Mike Trandafirescu
My House at night after the big snowfall of February 2010
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, inside garden
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, Tuan Nguyen corner
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the entrance door
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the sales desk
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the desk
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 2742 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 4405 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 4104 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course on an early morning May 3-rd
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course early morning
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course in St Augustine Florida
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course, the clubhouse and some private homes around the lake
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Clubhouse and restaurant
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course in St Augustine, Florida
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 5793 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
My garden at 11657 Mediterraneabn ct, Reston, VA, USA
Mike Trandafirescu
Dana Scheurer at the Fine Arts Festival May 16-17, 2009
Mike Trandafirescu
Mike Trandafirescu
Piata Victoriei, Timisoara, Romania
Mike Trandafirescu
Piata Unirii, Timisoara, Romania
Mike Trandafirescu
Lake anne bazar day
Mike Trandafirescu
My house for sale
Mike Trandafirescu
Lake Anne, Reston,VA,USA
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course on an early morning May 3-rd
Mike Trandafirescu
Meeting my friends walking the dogs
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 5821 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
My House at night after the big snowfall of February 2010
Mike Trandafirescu
Piata Unirii, Timisoara, Romania
Mike Trandafirescu
Piata Victoriei, Timisoara, Romania
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean Villa, Reston, VA, USA after the big snow, in front of my house
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, inside garden
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, Tuan Nguyen corner
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the entrance door
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the sales desk
Mike Trandafirescu
Galeria Del Mar, in front of the desk
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 2742 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 4405 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 4104 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course on an early morning May 3-rd
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course early morning
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course in St Augustine Florida
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course, the clubhouse and some private homes around the lake
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Clubhouse and restaurant
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course in St Augustine, Florida
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 5793 Panorama
Mike Trandafirescu
Golf Course Palencia, St Augustine, FL
Mike Trandafirescu
Golf Course Palencia
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia, St Augustine, FL, the golf course
Mike Trandafirescu
Palencia Golf Course
Mike Trandafirescu
Vantage Hill Rd, Reston,VA a day after the big snow fall
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean ct a day after the big snowfall
Mike Trandafirescu
Mediterranean ct Reston the day after the big snowfall
Mike Trandafirescu
Img 5821 Panorama
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