This out of place grave of Henry L. Caples is located near to Caples Lake near Carson Pass, California. From the headstone he was just a toddler who died on May 25, 1864 having lived for 2 years & 9 months. The region itself was occupied by the Washoe Indians however the Carson Pass Emigrant Trail passed through here during the peak of the California Gold Rush. From Wikipedia, Henry's father Dr. James Caples passed by the lake in 1849 on his trek to the gold country. He later returned and bought the area that is now Caples Lake to raise cattle and to set up a trading post for travelers that was around for thirty years. The way-station could only be opened up during the summer months due to its high elevation but it still served as a very important stop for 49ers, which is why the lake was named after Dr. Caples. Caples Dam was originally constructed in 1922 by damming up Caples Creek. After the gold rush ended, the way-station transitioned into a resort for travelers. A man named Ray Koenig was the first to construct a resort in 1948, however, he owned it before Highway 88 was built so he had to ski all the way from Highway 50 to set up the resort each year. Since Koenig there have been several owners of the resort who made improvements to the lodging and dam and tried to keep it running during the winter. The opening of Kirkwood Ski Resort in 1972 allowed Highway 88 to remain open as a winter travel route, making it easier for the resort to remain open year-round. The Caples Lake resort is currently owned by the Voss family who keep it open during the winter months. There appears to be another grave of the same toddler found at Elk Grove Cosumnes-Cemetery in Elk Grove, California.
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caples_Lake