Landscape near to Minsk city from about 100 meters height. Taken from the kite - can see it on the top side. When I've arrived to this place I planned to see our Belarus Golf Club but all that left from golf we can see like a green yard surrounded by cottages. On the bottom side you also can see holes that very similar to graves but there are not graves - there are trenches. Soldiers digging tranches on this field - I'm not sure that for fun because to be in army in Belarus like to be in prison. Also directly on the bottom you can see little white parts - there are moose bones (I've checked it occasionally when my second kite fallen down during flying test) who was killed by two leg wolf because real wolf have no sew to cut horns off - homeless dogs had finished with the moose remnants. Roads around very lovely place for all kind of offroaders and I've spent a great deal of nerves to get here on my usual city car.