Glade called 'Zelena dolina' (Green valley) on a 'Vihoraški put' hiking trail.
'Vihoraški put' is a hiking trail that winds through a maze of rocky spikes that form a ridge named 'Bijele stijene' (White rocks). Actually there is no a path or a trail in the real sense, but the markings of direction that are painted on rocks and trees, that should be followed. The trail was traced in 1973/74, and it was committed to the hundredth anniversary of Croatian mountaineering.
This area is a habitat of the animal species that are rare or extinct in most of the Europe, such as wolves, lynx and brown bears.
In 1985. a Strict Nature Reserve was declared for the area of 'Bijele stijene' (White rocks) and 'Samarske stijene' (Pack-saddle rocks).