Versión interactiva de la galería fotográfica de Cuaderno de campo
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Please join me as I roam the fields and valleys of Central Ohio in search of the “Heart of it All”. With my trusty Nikon camera and the power of the mighty electron, I will try to document the beauty and history of this slice of the great American pie. So stop by often and join me in the land of the mighty Buckeye.
Soy Fernando A. Riego
y Vivo en argentina, hace ya unos años que comenze como hobbie en la fotografia convencional y por curiosidad fui investigando la fotografia inmersiva.
Hasta crear un Estudio de fotografia panoramica junto con Jonatan Chappel.
Ingeniero de profesión y fotógrafo por afición. Fundador del portal '' dedicado al turismo y co-fundador del portal '' dedicado a los recorridos comerciales por entornos virtuales interactivos, basados ambos en la fotografía panorámica.
智飛科技 UAV空中拍攝的專業團隊
Skyline Dynamics is your best paterner in Taiwan
Camera Sphaericagraphica
Conventional photography constrains us to flat, rectangular pictures. An 8x10” frame held at arms length only captures less than 1% of the entire visible sphere around us. This area is minuscule and neglects 99% of the world.
We compensate by snapping more pictures, assembling them into a montage to tell the whole story. But we have grown accustomed to this technique and are conditioned to think this is the only way to capture the world because it closely resembles the world as we perceive it. But how do other animals, without binocular vision, view the world? What about flies and birds and reptiles with panoramic vision? Or insects who can see in the non-visible spectrum? They see the world differently but their perspective is not “wrong”.
Open your mind and look at the world as it truly is, through a different lens, the 720° sphere fully surrounding us.
Giro 360
Waleed A. H. is a certified photographer who has traveled to more than 100+ international cities across all 5 continents. As he circles around the world, he loves to document his entire trip in HD video as well as with panoramic photography. He's currently experimenting at his hometown before he goes on his next ambitious goal, touring all 235 countries of the world and capturing the world with Spherical Images with his sharp lens starting this year. Stay tuned!
My name is William Ricci. I am currently a freshman at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. I've been studying panoramic photography for nearly a year. I want to travel to secluded areas and record beauty that most people will never see. I'm working to mimic reality as much as possible.
I've recently made a new website dedicated to advertising my real estate photography. I create 360-degree immersive "virtual" tours that put viewers inside the photo. Check out my website and feel free to tell people about it!
I also have a flickr page:
and a deviantart page:
Родился 07.10.1945г. Пенсионер, но люблю снимать панорамы...
Panoramic photography in Kiev, Ukraine.
Weitere Infos unter:
Fotógrafo de Arquitectura y de Tours Virtuales. En la actualidad me encuentro desarrollando varios proyectos que próximamente saldran a la luz
Técnico en computación, ensamblaje y mantenimiento de PC.
Portuguese Architect, 360º Panoramic Photographer, Webdesigner, Creative Director, Front-End Developer, Music Producer. Founder of and Snowboard Lover
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Фото, видео, дизайн, шоу-технологии, освещение, умный дом.
Find out more about me on my website in English or German or connect via social media through