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Cadiz Cathedral
San Diego
Known as "Americas Finest City", elegant and sunny San Diego is truly a city with something for everyone. In town, a whole day or more could be spent in Balboa Park, playing golf, touring the world-famous San Diego Zoo or visiting a museum. Just outside of town, Torrey Pines State Reserve offers a somewhat wilder te...
San Francisco
Overview and HistorySan Francisco was inhabited as early as 3000B.C. The Ohlone Indians were the ones living there when the Europeans started to arrive. Francis Drake landed off the coast of what is now California in the 1500's and planted a British flag, which was soon forgotten.Modern history really begins in 1769...
Costa d' Argento
An exclusive place for holidays
New Munich Trade Fair Centre
From Wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messe_München Die Messe München GmbH ist der Betreiber des Messegeländes Neue Messe München. Die Ausstellungsfläche beträgt 180.000 m². Dort und an weiteren weltweiten Standorten ist die Messe München International  (MMI)[1]  Veranstalter von jährlich etwa 40 Fachmessen f...
San Pedro la Laguna
La Sardegna è la seconda isola del Mediterraneo per estensione. E' una regione a statuto speciale.
360° panoramic photography of Cologne
L’immagine che si ha di Parma percorrendo le strade di questa piccola capitale dell’antico ducato di Parma e Piacenza,è quella di un centro attivo e culturalmente vivace che conserva la dignità di un passato ancora vivo e presente nel tessuto urbano,reso particolare dal passaggio del torrente Parma,che biforcandosi ...