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Hoorn,The first houses in Hoorn where build around the 13th centuryand bought his city rights in the 14th century because it was already becoming an important trade city.The glory period came in the 16th and 17th century when the V.O.C. started one of the six Chambers In Hoorn as a important tradecity in the golden ...
Largest and southernmost island of the Wadden Islands. Den Burg is a nice little town; De Koog is a very popular resort. Famous places in Texel are also Oudeschild, Den Hoorn and De Cocksdorp.Sightseeing: Lighthouse Eierland, Ecomare, Texel Airport, Juttersmuseum
Nederhorst den Berg
Nederhorst den Berg, gelegen aan de Vecht en één van de 5 kernen van gemeente Wijdemeren. Bekend vanwege kasteel Nederhorst en Spiegelplas, met zijn vrij toegankelijke recreatiestrandjes en watersportmogelijkheden.
Bilder rund um den Bau des Chutzenturms
History and OverviewIsfahan is located in central Iran, equidistant from the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. It sits on both the east-west and north-south trade routes which traverse the country.Isfahan has artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic period, and written history going back to ancient Aspandana. At one...
Schokland is a former island in the Dutch Zuiderzee. Schokland lost its status as an island when the Noordoostpolder was reclaimed from the sea in 1942. The remains are still visible as a slightly elevated part in the polder and by the still partly intact retaining wall of the waterfront of 'Middelbuurt'. As a resul...
Kappadokien ist ein Gebiet in der zentralen Türkei. Ausbrüche der Vulkane Erciyes Dag, Hasan Dag und anderer inzwischen erloschener Vulkane, bedeckten das Land mit Tuffstein. Die Erosion durch Wind und Wetter grub Täler in den weichen Tuff und schuf vielfältige Formen und eine ungeheure Anzahl an Felskegeln. Durch d...