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Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "A...
Middle East
Modern civilization began right here in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley. Also known as the Fertile Crescent or Mesopotamia, this is the place where, six thousand years ago, agriculture, writing and mathematics were brought into widespread use.The term "Middle East" comes from the British navy, which used it to des...
East Village
East village is one of 8 disctricts in the newly refurbished San Diego downtown and home to our brand new 450 million dollar Petco Park. 
North-East Polder
The North-East Polder is a municipality in the Flevoland province in the central Netherlands. The history of this specific ‘polder’ goes back to 1918 when the Dutch government decided to reclaim this part of the Zuiderzee (Dutch for Southern Sea). On 14 June 1918, the Zuiderzee Act, which provided for the enclosure ...
Tabriz is the fourth most populated city in Iran after Tehran, Mashhad & Isfahan with a population of 1,378,935. The city is the largest for Iranian Turk people. Discovered bodies from excavates around Blue mosqe of Tabriz show that the city dates back 3000 years. Most of Tabrizi people speak "Azerbaijani Turkic...
Baku is the capital, the largest city, and the largest port of Azerbaijan. Located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, the city consists of two principal parts: the downtown and the old Inner City. Baku is a member of Organization of World Heritage Cities and Sister Cities International. The city was al...