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The 11 acre area of land on the hillside over the Tank Ramp.
Ocean Beach
Ocean Beach was once known as the Haight-Ashbury of San Diego. The community became an attraction for hippies, who eventually became accepted by many local business establishments. The Black headshop opened on Newport Avenue. Soon to follow was an organic food store – the People's Market – on Voltaire Street. Beginn...
Kalkan Harbour Beach
Das Eichsfeld ist ein Landstrich mit einem eigenständigen Kulturraum, gelegen zwischen Harz, Hessischem Bergland und Thüringer Wald in der geographischen Mitte Deutschlands.Das Eichsfeld ist eine historische Landschaft im südöstlichen Niedersachsen, im nordwestlichen Thüringen und im nordöstlichen Hessen zwischen Ha...
Moorea is a high island in French Polynesia, part of the Society Islands, 17 km (roughly 9mi) northwest of Tahiti. Moorea means "yellow lizard" in Tahitian. An older name for the island is Aimeho, sometimes spelled Aimeo or Eimeo (among other spellings misunderstood by early visitors with no knowledge of the languag...
Vejlby Klit
Vejlby Klit is a narrow district at the west coast of Danemark ten km away from Lemvig. It is sourroundet by the North Sea and the 5 km long Ferring Sea.
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "A...
Antigua is an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean.  It is part of the Leeward Islands region and is the main island of the country of Antigua and Barbuda.  The island offers 365 beaches, one for each day of the year and has plenty to offer for holidaymakers.  The capital is St Johns in the North of the island...
Pacific Ocean Islands
Pacific Ocean Islands are divided in three parts : Melanesia (Black Islands) Micronesia (Small Islands) Polynesia (Many Islands) There are between 20.000 & 30.000 islands in the Pacific Islands
Sao Sebastiao
Sao Sebastiao is the oldest city in the North Coast of Sao Paulo. Before the Portuguese colonization, the region of Sao Sebastiao was occupied by Indians Tupinambá at north and Tupiniquins at south in the hills of Boiçucanga - 30 km south of Sao Sebastiao - a natural border lands of tribes. The city received this na...
Lincoln Road Mall
Lifou Island is the largest of the Loyalty Islands, in the archipelago of New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. The Loyalty Islands comprise the Province Iles Loyaute of New Caledonia. There are 4 major islands, Ouvea in the north, Lifou in the middle and Mare in the south. 40,000 peop...
Oberbayern liegt im Südosten des Freistaats Bayern und grenzt im Süden und Osten an Österreich, im Nordosten an Niederbayern und die Oberpfalz, im Nordwesten an Mittelfranken und im Westen an Schwaben. Verwaltungssitz des Bezirks und gleichzeitig Regierungssitz des Regierungsbezirks ist München. Oberbayerns Grenzen ...