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努美阿是南太平洋岛国新喀里多尼亚的首府和度假旅游中心。虽然这是一座“法国”城市,但其91000名居民却有着非常复杂的文化背景,法国、美拉尼西亚、波利尼西亚、印尼、越南等文化在这里交相辉映。新喀里多尼亚 60% 以上的人口居住在努美阿。 努美阿是一个位于大地岛西南端的半岛,其中央商业区(市中心)毗邻南太平洋最好的天然港口。半岛的泻湖一侧有两处风景如画、覆盖着白色沙滩的海湾,分别为安斯巴塔海湾和柠檬湾。这一对“双子海湾”是新喀里多尼亚的国际旅游之都,在凯城酒店的陆地一侧是林立的酒店、餐馆和酒吧。法国人于1854年最先来此定居。努美阿至今仍在政治上与法国保持着紧密的联系。这里有非常好的学校和公共设施——公园、娱乐场所、晨练小径、学校...
Brotas SP
Brotas is located in the center of São Paulo, in the heart of one of the most developed regions of the country, but still presents us with their wealth and natural beauty preserved. Endowed with a strategic location and privileged, are taking a new path and emerges in the context of national ecotourism.  Historicall...
Cres Island
The island of Cres can be reached from Brestova via the ferry to Porozina. Ferries operate regularly and frequently during the summer season, but there is often a long waiting because of the many tourists visiting the island.
Sao Sebastiao
Sao Sebastiao is the oldest city in the North Coast of Sao Paulo. Before the Portuguese colonization, the region of Sao Sebastiao was occupied by Indians Tupinambá at north and Tupiniquins at south in the hills of Boiçucanga - 30 km south of Sao Sebastiao - a natural border lands of tribes. The city received this na...
Orlando is a large city located in Orange County, Florida. Orlando, for most people, conjures up the image of theme parks, mainly Walt Disney World, but it has a lot more to offer than that. (In fact, Disney World is not in Orlando, but is in nearby Lake Buena Vista). Downtown Orlando includes none of the major them...
Las Vegas
Overview and HistoryIn Spanish the word "vega" means fertile plain or valley, a fruitful ground, or a meadow. In Cuba it means specifically a tobacco field, usually by the bank of a river. Both sound like places where you can make a lot of money, right? You can see why they chose it for the name of this gambling hea...