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Capital as well as cultural and business center of the Piedmont region, Turin is famous as headquarters of Fiat and Lancia, birthplace of Telecom Italia and Rai television and host of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Turin has a modern public transport infrastructure so it is easy to get to architectural sites and museums,...
The name "Italy" is shrouded in mystery; some etymologists trace it to a Greek word meaning "the land of young cattle."Italy was fond of Jupiter and Mars from the very start, Jupiter for fatherly good luck and Mars for war!But it all began with Rome. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus who were sons of Rhea and Ma...
La Liguria è una regione italiana di 1.609.552 abitanti (dati ISTAT al 31-10-2007) situata nel Nord-Ovest della penisola e avente come capoluogo la città di Genova. Confina a sud con il Mar Ligure, a ovest con la Francia (regione Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra), a nord con il Piemonte e con l'Emilia-Romagna, a est con ...
Gunnersbury Park
Gunnersbury Park is a park in the Brentford  ward of the London Borough of Hounslow, in west London. Purchased for the nation from the Rothschild family, it was opened to the public by Neville Chamberlain, then Minister of Health, on 21 May 1926. The park is currently jointly managed by Ealing and Hounslow borough c...
Balboa Park
Balboa Park offers over 100 years of history and culure that is only one part of many, that makes San Diego "Americas Finest City".
Park Babelsberg
Created on a hill called Babelsberg along the banks of the Havel River, the 124 hectare, landscaped park was commissioned by Prince William and his wife Augusta.It was originally laid out by Peter Joseph Lenné in 1833 and was redesigned by Prince von Pückler-Muskau in 1842-67. Terraces with mosaics, ornamental flowe...
Central Park
Olympic park
The Olympic games of 1972 took place in this area of Munich.
Parco Nazionale dell'Appenino Tosco-Emiliano
Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park is a state-held natural preserve in Northern and central Italy, located in the heart of an area noted for natural features and for the local quality products and handicrafts. It was founded in 2001source: wikipedia
Rondane National Park
Norway’s first national park. The Rondane massif towers impressively over wide, lichen-covered mountain plateaus. In the south, the visitor is met by a tranquil landscape of gently rounded peaks. But these mountains also conceal deep valleys and precipitous mountainsides, especiallyin the north and in the east. The ...
Grampians National Park
Ópusztaszer National Park
Zion National Park
Many panoramas of Zion National Park's trails, views, canyons, and peaks.  Zion National Park is known for it large exposure of the Navajo sandstone's steep red walled cliffs and world classic canyons and canyoneering routes.
Zion National Park, Utah
Zion National Park is home to many great canyons, peaks, views, and arches.  This is a collection of 
Fort Flagler State Park, Washington
5 lakes Tour Adamello Brenta national park
In the Adamello-Brenta national park there is one of the areas with most high-altitude lakes throughout the Alps. Here you can take the 5 Lakes Tour above Madonna di Campiglio.
La Provincia di Como è una provincia della Lombardia il cui capoluogo è la città di Como. Tale provincia compresa all'interno dell'Euroregione dell'Insubria e ne rappresenta la pendice a Sud. Confina a nord e a ovest con la Svizzera, a est con la Provincia di Sondrio e la Provincia di Lecco, a sud con la Provincia d...
Trentino - Alto Adige
La Regione Autonoma Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol corrisponde alla parte più meridionale del Tirolo, regione storica dell'Impero Asburgico.Il Trentino-Alto Adige è formato da due aree storico-culturali ed amministrative: a nord l'Alto Adige, corrispondente alla Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, ed a sud il Trentino, cor...
L’immagine che si ha di Parma percorrendo le strade di questa piccola capitale dell’antico ducato di Parma e Piacenza,è quella di un centro attivo e culturalmente vivace che conserva la dignità di un passato ancora vivo e presente nel tessuto urbano,reso particolare dal passaggio del torrente Parma,che biforcandosi ...
Il primo approccio alla città di Lucca, da qualunque direzione si arrivi, è quello di un lungo e circolare percorso intorno al centro storico: in questo modo si ammira, dal di fuori, il più rappresentativo dei monumenti: le Mura Rinascimentali. Si ha una visione immediata della bellezza dell’opera che dal 1600, prat...
Hoorn,The first houses in Hoorn where build around the 13th centuryand bought his city rights in the 14th century because it was already becoming an important trade city.The glory period came in the 16th and 17th century when the V.O.C. started one of the six Chambers In Hoorn as a important tradecity in the golden ...
Emilia Romagna
Emilia Romagna su Wikipedia