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Marina District
The district is bordered to the north by the Colombia district, bordered to east/south-east by the Gaslamp Quarter, and is bordered to the south-west by the San Diego Marina. This district used to be full of warehouses and vacant lots but now it houses mid-rise and high-rise hotels, apartments, condominiums, medical...
Columbia District
Parts of Colombia are under re-development, including the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan, Navy Broadway Complex and the Embarcadero Circle cruise ship terminal expansion. As of March 16, 2007, there are seven high-rise buildings scheduled for or currently under construction: five of these buildings are condominium...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hoan Kiem district
Hoan Kiem district is one of the old district of Hanoi. This district covers the old quarters.
Pima Air and Space Museum
Ма́лые Коре́лы — государственный музей деревянного зодчества и народного искусства северных районов России.
Ма́лые Коре́лы — государственный музей деревянного зодчества и народного искусства северных районов России. Музей под открытым небом расположен в Архангельской области, на правом берегу Северной Двины (в месте впадения реки Корелка), в 28 км к югу от центра Архангельска. Площадь территории музея — 139,8 га. Основан ...
Genoa A city of art, the capital of Liguria in northern Italy and metropolis looking onto the sea, Genoa has grown up around the city's port - a natural cove that has always been the site of thriving traffic and commerce. Its ancient heart, Europe's biggest historic medieval center, is crisscrossed by a tight weave ...