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Just in case you mistakenly heard that it was all ice and snow in Russia, take a peek at the Big Bikini Exposition. This is right on the river Moskva in Moscow!Moscow has been the capital of Russia for almost its entire history. The exception is during the period of the Russian Empire, which lasted from 1721 until t...
St. Petersburg
Greater Cape Town
Montagnes Rocheuses - Alberta
Les montagnes Rocheuses ou « Rocheuses » (en anglais : Rocky Mountains ou Rockies) désignent une grande chaîne de montagnes intracontinentale dans l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord qui s'étend sur plus de 4 800 km depuis le Nouveau-Mexique au sud jusqu'à nord de la Colombie-Britannique au nord. Elle s'étend sur le terri...
Gaslamp Quarter
The Quarter is home to many events and festivals, including Mardi Gras in the Gaslamp, Taste of Gaslamp and ShamROCK, a St. Patrick's Day event. PETCO Park, home of the San Diego Padres is located one block away in downtown San Diego's East Village. Croce's Restaurant & Jazz Bar, named after famous singer Jim Cr...
Stralsund is a german city which is located at the Baltic Sea south of germans largest island Rügen (or Rugia). It was granted town privileges in 1234. Since 2002 the centre of the city is listed as a world heritage site by the UNESCO.
Vologda was first mentioned in Novgorod chronicles for 1147, when Saint Gerasimus found a church and village already standing there. Surrounded by impassable woods, the settlement was inhabited by Novgorodians who pulled the ships from a tributary of theVolga to a tributary of the Northern Dvina, thus making possibl...
  Der brandenburgische Landkreis Uckermark ist mit 3.058 km² der nach Fläche größte Landkreis in Deutschland. Der Landkreis Uckermark liegt im äußersten Nordosten des Landes Brandenburg an der Grenze zur Republik Polen. Das Gebiet des Landkreises deckt den überwiegenden Teil der seenreichen Region Uckermark ab, der ...
Kaluga Oblast
Kaluga Oblast  is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). Its administrative center is the city of Kaluga. It was created in 1944 out of four other oblasts: Moskva Oblast, Orel Oblast, Smolensk Oblast, and Tula Oblast. It is located at the historical region of the former Kaluga Governorate.
«Malye Korely» Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art
Das Museum liegt am rechten Ufer der Nördlichen Dwina unweit der Einmündung des Flüsschens Korelka, etwa 25 Kilometer südöstlich von Archangelsk. Das beim Museum gelegene Dorf nennt sich in leicht abweichender Schreibweise Malyje Karely. Das Museum nimmt eine Fläche von 139,8 Hektar ein. Das Freilichtmuseum ist eine...
Station de ski des 7 Laux
Au coeur du massif de Belledonne, profitez de l'énergie vivifiante d'un site exceptionnel. Partagez, avec vos proches, la joie de vivre et la vitalité offerte par la nature. Ressourcez vous ! Le panorama sublime des 7 LAUX, avec ses trois sites et ses deux versants bordés de sapins et d'épicéas, saura vous enchanter...