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Israeli Desert
The area includes the Negev desert and Arava desert
Pima Air and Space Museum
Nature-Sanctuary Struffelt (ACK-020)
The nature-sanctuary Stuffelt in Roetgen / Rott near Aachen.
Наукоград Пущино расположен на правом берегу р. Ока на южной границе Московской области. В городе располагается 9 научно-исследовательских институтов естественнонаучного профиля и радиоастрономическая обсерватория. Население города составляет 20 тысяч человек (по данным за 2006 год). Градообразующей основой города я...
Rondane National Park
Norway’s first national park. The Rondane massif towers impressively over wide, lichen-covered mountain plateaus. In the south, the visitor is met by a tranquil landscape of gently rounded peaks. But these mountains also conceal deep valleys and precipitous mountainsides, especiallyin the north and in the east. The ...
Antigua is an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean.  It is part of the Leeward Islands region and is the main island of the country of Antigua and Barbuda.  The island offers 365 beaches, one for each day of the year and has plenty to offer for holidaymakers.  The capital is St Johns in the North of the island...
Lifou Island is the largest of the Loyalty Islands, in the archipelago of New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France in the Pacific Ocean. The Loyalty Islands comprise the Province Iles Loyaute of New Caledonia. There are 4 major islands, Ouvea in the north, Lifou in the middle and Mare in the south. 40,000 peop...