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Lower Austria
Niederösterreich ist ein Bundesland von Österreich. Es ist vor allem für seine Kulturgüter, wie das UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Wachau, bekannt. Es ist das flächenmäßig größte Bundesland Österreichs und besteht aus viert Viertel. Das Weinviertel im Nordosten, das Waldviertel im Nordwesten, das Mostviertel im Südwesten und...
Upper Austria
Lake Nasser
The Egyptian name is in honor of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was the mastermind behind the controversial High Dam project.Lake Nasser (Arabic: بحيرة ناصر‎; transliterated: Buhayrat Nasir) is a vast reservoir in southern Egypt and northern Sudan. Strictly,It was created as a result of the construction of the As...
Lake Atitlan
Lake Irtyash
Lake Irtyash is one of the largest lakes in the Ural. Its area is such that into him can fit  the State of San Marino.Translated from the Bashkir (Bashkirs are the indigenous people of the Urals) Irtyash name means "stony place". And indeed, shores of the lake looks like the rocky cliffs, in the shallows are often l...
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City Utah, cradle in between the Wasatch and the Oquirrh Mountains, Home of the 2002 winter Olympics and the Greatest Snow on earth. The Salt Lake Metro Area stretches between Bountiful and Bluffdale Utah
West Lake, Hanoi
Crater Lake, Oregon, USA
Crater Lake is a snow melt filled volcano crater in south central Oregon, USA.  The water is very pure and awsomely blue.  It is the deepest Lake in the USA at 1946 feet.
Vejlby Klit
Vejlby Klit is a narrow district at the west coast of Danemark ten km away from Lemvig. It is sourroundet by the North Sea and the 5 km long Ferring Sea.
From the front door right out onto the ski slopes... Situated at an altitude of 2020 m Kühtai is Austria's highest winter sport village and because of this it has best snowconditions from beginning of December till spring. The slopes are next to the hotels, so no walking or driving is neccessary. Besides 30 km of sk...
Sinai peninsula
La Provincia di Como è una provincia della Lombardia il cui capoluogo è la città di Como. Tale provincia compresa all'interno dell'Euroregione dell'Insubria e ne rappresenta la pendice a Sud. Confina a nord e a ovest con la Svizzera, a est con la Provincia di Sondrio e la Provincia di Lecco, a sud con la Provincia d...
The East Frisian island of Spieperoog is a paradise of long sandy beaches, sand dunes, small forests, and pollution free North Sea air. The island is located in the Wattenmeer National Park where small hiking paths cover and connect virtually the entire island. Gasoline powered cars are forbidden – bike riding and w...
Der "Nationalpark Wattenmeer"
  Der brandenburgische Landkreis Uckermark ist mit 3.058 km² der nach Fläche größte Landkreis in Deutschland. Der Landkreis Uckermark liegt im äußersten Nordosten des Landes Brandenburg an der Grenze zur Republik Polen. Das Gebiet des Landkreises deckt den überwiegenden Teil der seenreichen Region Uckermark ab, der ...
Where snow is always guaranteed. Located in the upper Ötztal Valley on the main Alpine ridge. Total slope length 110km (Hochgurgl ski area: approx. 54 km, Obergurgl ski area: approx. 56 km):  
Die Wachau ist ein 36 km langes Durchbruchstal entlang der Donau. Sie entstand, weil die Donau zwischen Emmersdorf und Melk im Westen sowie Stein und Mautern im Osten den Dunkelsteinerwald vom Waldviertel abtrennt und sich so an manchen Stellen mehr als 700 m tief in die Rumpfgebirgslandschaft der Böhmischen Masse e...
Central Park
Howth Head
Howth Head (Ceann Binn Éadair in Irish) is a headland north east of Dublin City. Entry to the headland is at Sutton, a residential suburb of Dublin, while village of Howth and the harbour are on the northern shore. Originally an island, Howth Head is connected to the mainland via a narrow strip of land, and forms th...
Genoa A city of art, the capital of Liguria in northern Italy and metropolis looking onto the sea, Genoa has grown up around the city's port - a natural cove that has always been the site of thriving traffic and commerce. Its ancient heart, Europe's biggest historic medieval center, is crisscrossed by a tight weave ...
Lucca is a city in northern Tuscany, a region of Italy, situated in a plain on the River Serchio. It is famous for its intact Renaissance City Walls, defined by the italian writer Gabriele d’Annunzio “l’arborato cerchio” due to the presence of the trees on the top of the wall along the promenade over it. The history...
Narragansett Bay
Narragansett Bay dominates the geography of the tiny state of Rhode Island, extending 25 miles northwards and inland from the Atlantic Ocean right into the heart of its major cities.  It is fed by the watersheds of 3 major rivers: the Blackstone, the Taunton and the Pawtuxet.  Narragansett Bay defines the region's c...