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Overview and HistoryDo you know why you never like to get out of the bathtub? It's because you wish you were in Venice, that's why.Take one hundred and eighteen salt-marsh islands in the northern Adriatic. Combine them with Roman refugees and a liberal stinking of Visigoth invaders. Shake until well-mixed. Season wi...
The visit of the city of Parma begins from the view of Piazza Duomo characterized by three buildings: the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Bishop’s Palace. The atmosphere of the marvelous square is the original medieval one.The Cathedral is one of the highest expression of Romanesque architecture in Italy with a La...
Schokland is a former island in the Dutch Zuiderzee. Schokland lost its status as an island when the Noordoostpolder was reclaimed from the sea in 1942. The remains are still visible as a slightly elevated part in the polder and by the still partly intact retaining wall of the waterfront of 'Middelbuurt'. As a resul...
Cappadocia is a part of central Turkey. Eruptions of several volcanoes (e.g. Erciyes Dag, Hasan Dag) had covered the area with tuff. Erosion dug valleys and created an uncountable number of different shaped rocks. The tuff's ability to store water made the valleys much more fertile than the higher surroundings. Afte...
Die Wachau ist ein 36 km langes Durchbruchstal entlang der Donau. Sie entstand, weil die Donau zwischen Emmersdorf und Melk im Westen sowie Stein und Mautern im Osten den Dunkelsteinerwald vom Waldviertel abtrennt und sich so an manchen Stellen mehr als 700 m tief in die Rumpfgebirgslandschaft der Böhmischen Masse e...
Lucca is a city in northern Tuscany, a region of Italy, situated in a plain on the River Serchio. It is famous for its intact Renaissance City Walls, defined by the italian writer Gabriele d’Annunzio “l’arborato cerchio” due to the presence of the trees on the top of the wall along the promenade over it. The history...