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Contact: tel. +48 600 367700 marek@spacery360.pl
More pictures and informations related to panorama photography: Wycieczki wirtualne, panoramy sferyczne and Fotogaleria, panoramy sferyczne
Born in Poland, based in UK full time photographer, adventurer and scuba diving instructor. I'm taking 360 panoramas everywhere where my travels will take me including underwater. You can find my work an my website. www.wild-art.eu
Amatorskie, Darmowe panoramy - Ostrowiec i okolice.
A one picture is worth a thousand words.
I like to move. To hike, to climb, to move my body in mountains, in places that charge me with energy. Every place in any second is unique. The photography gave me the power to freeze the time allowing me to enjoy these moments anytime I want. Let me invite you to enjoy them with me.
I'm from Prague, Czech Republic. Love photography overall and I've also been captivated by the 360 panoramas.
Hi, I am 25 years old student of visual art from Slovakia. My interests include the short movies, photography, cinemagraphs and motion graphic. When i am not sitting in front of my computer, I am certainly in the nature. If you have any ideas, how can I help you with something, feel free to contact me.
Marek vel xnb (aries.mehehe), dla przyjaciół owiec – made in Poland (Gdańsk – NPC), born in the PRL – rocznik ‘81 (najlepszy rocznik). O sobie mówi, że nie jest gruby, tylko nieźle wypasiony. Typowy Polak (zna się na wszystkim i zawsze ma coś do powiedzenia). Nieufny indywidualista, egoista, introwertyk, jednocześnie elokwentny megaloman (ambiwalentny stosunek do wszystkiego).