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East Village
East village is one of 8 disctricts in the newly refurbished San Diego downtown and home to our brand new 450 million dollar Petco Park. 
Smolensk Lutheran Cemetery
Smolensk Lutheran Cemetery. Founded in 1747. The cemetery was created for foreigners in Russia, which at that time lived in large quantities in a newly built St. Petersburg. Cemetery is a monument of landscape architecture, its gravestones are protected by the government. At the cemetery are buried: Theodore Schuber...
Ivád Village - Heves county
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Skigebiet Bürchen Törbel, Wallis in der Schweiz
Das Skigebiet von Bürchen - Törbel wird auch als Augstbordregion bezeichnet, nach dem Augstbordhorn. Bürchen erreicht man über die Strasse von Visp aus in einer kurzen aber steilen Anfahrt. Über die Moosalp erreicht man Törbel. Das kleine Skigebiet ist vorallem für Familien sehr gut geeignet.
History and OverviewIsfahan is located in central Iran, equidistant from the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. It sits on both the east-west and north-south trade routes which traverse the country.Isfahan has artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic period, and written history going back to ancient Aspandana. At one...
Rocky Mountains - Alberta
The Rocky Mountains (or Rockies) are a major mountain range in western North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 4,800 kilometres (2,980 mi) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in Canada, to New Mexico, in the United States. The range's highest peak is Mount Elbert in Colorado at 14,440 feet (...
This county has a total area of 6,862 km². The relief can be split into 3 distinctive parts. In the north side there are the mountains, from the Southern Carpathians group - the Făgăraş Mountains with Moldoveanu Peak (2,544 m), Negoiu Peak (2,535 m) and Vanatoarea lui Buteanu peak (2,508 m) towering the region, and ...
Lagrasse is a medieval village in the South of France, overlooking the Orbieu river. A bridge was originally built over the river in the 12th century. The Benedictine Abbey in the town was founded in 880AD. Many of the houses in Lagrasse date back to the 11th century.
Schokland is a former island in the Dutch Zuiderzee. Schokland lost its status as an island when the Noordoostpolder was reclaimed from the sea in 1942. The remains are still visible as a slightly elevated part in the polder and by the still partly intact retaining wall of the waterfront of 'Middelbuurt'. As a resul...
Kappadokien ist ein Gebiet in der zentralen Türkei. Ausbrüche der Vulkane Erciyes Dag, Hasan Dag und anderer inzwischen erloschener Vulkane, bedeckten das Land mit Tuffstein. Die Erosion durch Wind und Wetter grub Täler in den weichen Tuff und schuf vielfältige Formen und eine ungeheure Anzahl an Felskegeln. Durch d...