Rural Kansas

A collection of images from small towns and rural areas in Kansas, USA.

Sunset over a pasture near Rosalia Kansas.
Sunset over a pasture near El Dorado Kansas
The town of Beaumont is known for its small airfield connected to the town where small plane can land and taxi up to the hotel and restaurant.
A sunflower patch at an amusement park near Burns, Kansas,
a pumpkin patch near Burns, Kansas. October 2022
This park stands where several homes were destroyed by a tornado in 1958. 13 people were killed and over 100 injured. The wind harp plays when the wind blows.
a bicycle trail in El Dorado Lake State Park, Kansas October 2022
Sunset Lawn Cemetery and Holly Frontier Refinery, El Dorado Kansas
Kansas homestead after a snowfall.
Picnic shelters at the campground at El Dorado Lake State Park. El Dorado, Kansas.
A back road in Kansas near the town of El Dorado.
Sunset over a small farm in Butler County Kansas. HAy has been harvested and rolled into large bales. November 2020
This playground stood for years at the Augusta Lake park. It was recently torn down due to stuctural issues in 2022. Augusta, KS