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美国 加利福尼亚 洛杉矶 圣莫尼卡海滩——加州最吸引人的海滩
Los Angeles

 美国城市,位于洛杉矶国际机场以北,是加州最吸引人的海滨城市。这里冬暖夏凉,交通便利,不仅仅适合消夏乘凉,对于那些想度过一个闲适下午的人来说,圣莫尼卡海滩也是最好的选择。 2008年人口87,664人。其海滩为著名海岸景点,沙滩上有一座码头延伸到海里,码头上方有一座游乐园,园内有摩天轮、云霄飞车等设施。

  圣莫尼卡的中心是第三街步行街,这是一条专门用来游行表演的街道,每到夜间,道路都被艺人、影吧、酒吧和各式各样的小餐馆所占据,热闹非凡。圣莫尼卡码头是圣莫尼卡的象征,建于1909年至1916年间,是西海岸最古老的码头。是非常有代表性的海滨疗养城市,它距离海滩非常近。沿着海岸,附近布满了各种大大小小的宾馆,餐厅,电影院以及love house。在Santa Monica码头几年可以随意的去游泳,购物,而漫步于法利塞兹也是一种非常悠闲的享受。另外在Santa Monica,阵阵海风,迎面吹拂,也是享受"日光浴"的好去处,去Santa Monica的交通也比较方便,可以搭乘去菲伯利赫尔兹的434路MTA公共汽车或者在邮里昂的长途汽车站乘坐10路Big Blue Bus:所需时间为50分,也可在LA国际机场乘3路Big Blue Bus。作为一个旅游胜地,Santa Monica也吸引了不少音乐人.以华丽乐风著称的重金属乐队White Lion-白狮就是在此地开始了他们的故事。

  圣莫尼卡海滩(Santa Monica State Beach)位于加州洛杉矶县,由圣莫尼卡市管理。

圣莫尼卡海滩沿着太平洋海岸公路,两英里长,有野餐区,商店,和码头, 以及救生员站,休闲餐馆,设备租赁点,健身活动设施,自行车道,木质小径,供在温暖的日子前往沙滩。游客活动包括排球,篮球和跑道。圣塔莫尼卡码头建于1909年,位于科罗拉多大道,有著名的拱门。这里有一处国家历史地标 -– 1922年的圣莫尼卡赛马场。肌肉海滩紧靠排球场以南,有双杠,吊环等运动设施。码头排球场以南几步是一个国际象棋公园。人行道上绘制公共棋桌和一个棋盘。Palisades公园位于圣莫尼卡著名的砂岩峭壁之上,提供了一个制高点,可以看到圣莫尼卡海滩和太平洋。

全景摄影 刘运增

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Copyright: 刘运增
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10000x5000
Taken: 21/09/2013
上传: 27/12/2013
Published: 27/12/2013


Tags: american santa monica beach ultimate southern california
More About Los Angeles

Overview and History Alllllrightie now, here's your soundtrack. Please click on "Hollywood" before you make another move. "LA Woman" is next up on your playlist.Quick math lesson:"If you've got it, flaunt it. If you don't got it, invent it and then flaunt it."Los Angeles is the second biggest city in the USA, it's in Southern California where you can go surfing or snowboarding whenever you want, and it means "City of Angels."LA was first named in 1781 by a Spanish governor who called it "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de la Porciuncula", which means you need to go back to Spanish class.I mean, "The Village of our Lady the Queen of the Angels of Porziuncula." (The Porzincula part refers to a chapel in Italy dating back to the fourth century AD, not a native American tribe or anything local.)Mexico inherited Los Angeles when it won its independence from Spanish rule in 1821. Twenty-five years later LA became part of the United States territory in the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War. California became a state of the US soon after, and LA started getting excited for the arrival of Jim Morrison and the Doors.Railroads laid track to LA in 1876, which was very convenient for transporting the oil supply which was discovered in 1892 and Pow! The economy took off. With that, the population exploded, everybody ran out of water, you know, the usual story.Now that I think about it, LA has documented this story in a TV series called "The Beverly Hillbilles." Just watch the opening credits and you'll get the whole concept. This was one of the longest-running and most popular TV shows ever made in the States, which is why most Americans will think "swimming pools... movie stars..." when you say "Callyfurnia."And LA is where the TV and movies come from, specifically Hollywood, or Tinseltown, in the Hollywood Hills. This is where it all comes from, dancing pictures across the silver screen! If you've watched American TV, you've seen it. Here's the Bat Cave from "Batman".The first movie made in Hollywood dates to 1910, ("In Old California") and the first western TV station began broadcasting there in 1947.Oh, by the way, LA sits on the San Andreas geologic fault line. Fault lines are prone to earthquakes, and everybody expects LA to fall into the ocean someday.Getting There As soon as the wheels touch the ground, the cellphones flip open and you start overhearing people loudly telling everyone what their next appointment is. That's how you know you're in LA. The phone doesn't even have to be on.LAX is the main airport where it all goes down. Shuttle buses connect the airport to the city's Metro Green Line.TransportationLA is a driving city; you need a car so you have a place to sit while you are waiting in traffic. Worst traffic jams and road rage on earth.Contrary to popular belief, they actually do have a public transportation system with buses and a metro and everything in LA. Fares cost $1.25 for a single ride, $5.00 for a day pass, if you're interested. See, the thing is you need a window you can roll down to flip people the bird.Visit the LA Union Station just to see one of the last great railway stations, as it's known.People and Culture Rock and roll! Do you know what that means? That means you can do whatever the hell you want, really loud, and it should probably bounce up and down at some point... sort of like the Baroque Period, but instead of gold you can use neon and breast implants too. They both bounce a lot better than gold, anyway.Charles Mingus, The Doors, The Mothers of Invention, Guns N' Roses, Public Enemy, N.W.A, Snoop DoggThese people did not get there by asking anyone else for permission, see what I'm saying? Dr. Dre's classic album "The Chronic" will instruct you in everything else you need to know about L.A.Famous L.A. writers who did the same thing but on paper: Charles Bukowski, Raymond Chandler, John Fante.Q:How do you say, "F--- You" in LA?A: "Call me."Things to do & RecommendationsDisneyland is a massively popular vacation destination, especially for people with children. Walt Disney was the pioneer of animation who created Mickey Mouse, Bambi, Cinderalla and some interesting WWII training films.Architecture: Disney's Concert Hall designed by Frank Gehry. For more architecture, look up the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and visit some of the residences he built.For some of the artistic flavor of LA, you can do lunch at Casbah Cafe on Sunset Boulevard, and catch some live jazz at Spazio.Absorb the genius of Diego Rivera in the LA County Museum of Art, and then ask yourself how you will do something to keep up with him and Batman. Thank you L.A.! Text by Steve Smith.

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