The ChiKan old town , Kai Ping ,Gong Dong is the historic centre established for over 350 years, it retains much of her charm as a flourished market town during the 17th_18th century. The Tanjiang river , fishing boats and the western style buildings made up picturesque seenery for this ancient town. 廣東開平赤坎古鎮始建次清朝,至今已有350年歷史,潭江穿鎮而過,昔日江邊是條繁盛的商業大街,潭江船運繁忙。清末民初,大批開平、台山人士遠赴重洋,往美國淘金,賺到錢的,便回鄉建樓房,這些西式騎樓保留至今,連绵江邊2、3公里,成為一道旅遊風景線。