尼加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls) 是美国最知名的风景之一,位于纽约州水牛城附近的美国与加拿大边境。上游的水流到了悬崖,一泻千里,超过185英尺的高度再加上洪流的巨大冲力,冲刷出7公里长的峡谷,澎湃的气势,犹似千军万马,在峡谷回荡不已,令岸边的游客无不像着魔了一般,目瞪口呆,深深被尼亚加拉瀑布的爆发力震撼。
尼亚加拉瀑布实际由3部分组成,从大到小,依次为:马蹄型瀑布(Horseshoe Falls))、美利坚瀑布(American Falls)和新娘面纱瀑布(Veil of the Bride Falls)。马蹄形瀑布,位于加拿大境内,其形如马蹄;美利坚瀑布在美国境内,由山羊岛隔开;新娘面纱瀑布,也在美国境内,由月亮岛隔开了其他两瀑布。事实上,在美国境内看到的只是尼亚加拉瀑布的侧面,而在加拿大可以一览全貌。
http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=I7gunU1hmsksQQnYyRBhz4LwDvW5hHum6tiTkfmWBegJLdA2_9zSz-bvU3KC5YV4vSWG6LaqEMG4K9YluPNt4FHWF6zuL1hW7XxQZmcz8cu 全景摄影 刘运增
The United States is one of the most diverse countries on earth, jam packed full of amazing sights from St. Patrick's cathedral in New York to Mount Hollywood California.The Northeast region is where it all started. Thirteen British colonies fought the American Revolution from here and won their independence in the first successful colonial rebellion in history. Take a look at these rolling hills carpeted with foliage along the Hudson river here, north of New York City.The American south is known for its polite people and slow pace of life. Probably they move slowly because it's so hot. Southerners tend not to trust people from "up north" because they talk too fast. Here's a cemetery in Georgia where you can find graves of soldiers from the Civil War.The West Coast is sort of like another country that exists to make the east coast jealous. California is full of nothing but grizzly old miners digging for gold, a few gangster rappers, and then actors. That is to say, the West Coast functions as the imagination of the US, like a weird little brother who teases everybody then gets famous for making freaky art.The central part of the country is flat farmland all the way over to the Rocky Mountains. Up in the northwest corner you can find creative people in places like Portland and Seattle, along with awesome snowboarding and good beer. Text by Steve Smith.