16th Century. Separate polskye Researchers otnosjat vozvedenye lock in Skalate for this period. In the course raskopok 2007 - 2008 hodov in South-West stenы Kamienna lock (co sides vnutrenneho court) bыly obnaruzhenы remnant of the defensive shaft width kotorogo sostavlyala neighborhood of 12-14 meters. CAN Suppose something this shaft bыl chastyu nekoho rannego Wooden-earth ukreplenyya, of the Office kotorogo has raised kamennыy Subsequently castle.
?. In the formative stages IZ a single Skalat, podstupы for ukreplenyyam with severnoy sides nadёzhno perekrыly yskusstvennoho water lake kotoroe asked Korylyvka River. At the same time, it is for the south-West and North-West from the lock suschestvovala zabolochennaya lowland - eschё one element estestvennoy protection lock. Thus, Vodny prehradы yhraly not poslednyuyu role in zaschyte lock.