右邊嘅星系係銀河系,太陽系大約喺左上角。 銀河系前最光嘅黄星係伴星。 日出方向係人馬座矮橢球星系嘅邊緣,後便嘅黃色背景係星系中心嘅方向( M 54 )。 我惊了,是非在此处我以文而可轻如何写矣,人本不见?喺日出嘅左邊,有一個像南十字座噉嘅區域,呢個區域右側嘅斜點係仙女座星系。 大約40亿年後,你可以用自己嘅眼睇到類似嘅風景,前提係你身處銀河系或仙女座星系。
The planet Earth has proven to be too limiting for our awesome community of panorama photographers. We're getting an increasing number of submissions that depict locations either not on Earth (like Mars, the Moon, and Outer Space in general) or do not realistically represent a geographic location on Earth (either because they have too many special effects or are computer generated) and hence don't strictly qualify for our Panoramic World project.But many of these panoramas are extremely beautiful or popular of both.So, in order to accommodate our esteemed photographers and the huge audience that they attract to 360Cities with their panoramas, we've created a new section (we call it an "area") called "Out of this World" for panoramas like these.Don't let the fact that these panoramas are being placed at the Earth's South Pole fool you - we had to put them somewhere in order not to interfere with our Panoramic World.Welcome aboard on a journey "Out of this World".