Julien Mordret


France, Europe
見られた回数: 224,880
About Julien

I'm Julien, 32, living near Paris. I have been into panoramic photography for 8+ years now. I think that 360° panoramas are really taking photography to the next level. 

From my travels, I brought back many panoramas that I now regularly publish on this site and my blog.

Indeed, I am also the guy behind the Exploration Junkie panorama travel blog - with, you guessed it, spherical and cylindrical panoramas from my explorations, photo galleries and more!

This includes among the first panoramas of the archipelago of Raja Ampat (West Papua, Indonesia) and the Sultanate of Brunei on Borneo Island.

I do my best to develop my website and this profile on 360Cities, don't hesitate to say hi if you like my panos! 

Thanks for visiting my page.