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Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic is a nation on the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. The western third of the island is occupied by the nation of Haiti, making Hispaniola one of two Caribbean islands, along with Saint Martin, that are shared by two countries. Both by area...
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a cool little landlocked country south of Germany and Poland, with a national addiction to pork and beer. Potatos, cabbage, and dumplings are close behind them, and they also have this great bar food called "utopenec." It means "a drowned man," it's pickled sausage with onions, perfect with som...
Nature-Sanctuary Struffelt (ACK-020)
The nature-sanctuary Stuffelt in Roetgen / Rott near Aachen.
Rondane National Park
Norway’s first national park. The Rondane massif towers impressively over wide, lichen-covered mountain plateaus. In the south, the visitor is met by a tranquil landscape of gently rounded peaks. But these mountains also conceal deep valleys and precipitous mountainsides, especiallyin the north and in the east. The ...
Antigua is an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean.  It is part of the Leeward Islands region and is the main island of the country of Antigua and Barbuda.  The island offers 365 beaches, one for each day of the year and has plenty to offer for holidaymakers.  The capital is St Johns in the North of the island...
  Der brandenburgische Landkreis Uckermark ist mit 3.058 km² der nach Fläche größte Landkreis in Deutschland. Der Landkreis Uckermark liegt im äußersten Nordosten des Landes Brandenburg an der Grenze zur Republik Polen. Das Gebiet des Landkreises deckt den überwiegenden Teil der seenreichen Region Uckermark ab, der ...
Lincoln Road Mall
Schokland is a former island in the Dutch Zuiderzee. Schokland lost its status as an island when the Noordoostpolder was reclaimed from the sea in 1942. The remains are still visible as a slightly elevated part in the polder and by the still partly intact retaining wall of the waterfront of 'Middelbuurt'. As a resul...