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The capital of Canada is Ottawa, in the province of Ontario. There are offically ten provinces and three territories in Canada, which is the second largest country in the world in terms of land area.While politically and legally an independant nation, the titular head of state for Canada is still Queen Elizabeth.On ...
Quebec is the largest province in Canada and the only one with French as its official language. It takes its name from an Algonquin word meaning "narrows" where the St. Lawrence River cuts deeply through rock cliffs.Quebec has strong nationalistic feelings about its identity within Canada and has almost seceded twic...
Province du Quebec
History and OverviewMontreal has been inhabited for thousands of years, long before Europeans arrived. It's the second largest French-speaking city in the world (after Paris) and it takes its name from Mount Royal, the hill at the center of the island. It sits on the St. Lawrence river which is one of the longest ru...
Rocky Mountains - Alberta
The Rocky Mountains (or Rockies) are a major mountain range in western North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 4,800 kilometres (2,980 mi) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in Canada, to New Mexico, in the United States. The range's highest peak is Mount Elbert in Colorado at 14,440 feet (...
Las Vegas
Overview and HistoryIn Spanish the word "vega" means fertile plain or valley, a fruitful ground, or a meadow. In Cuba it means specifically a tobacco field, usually by the bank of a river. Both sound like places where you can make a lot of money, right? You can see why they chose it for the name of this gambling hea...